Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hello Friends! An Introduction

My name is Joviana Carrillo. I am a graduating senior at San Francisco State University, currently pursuing a BS in Visual Communication Design.

Some of my interests include (but are certainly not limited to): Corgis, bad 80's movies, good 80's movies, illustration, young adult fiction, nerdfighters, macaroni art, ukulele, video games, recreational zombie genocide, and spontaneous haikus.

People who inspire me: Mary Blair, Kate Beaton, Kevin Tong, David Bowie, Elvis Costello, The Muppets, Madeline Khan, The Green Brothers (John and Hank), The Venture Brothers (Hank and Dean), David Lynch, Obi Wan Kenobi, Vassilis Paleokostas, Jane Austen, and Ze Frank. Also my parents.

When I grow up, I'd like to be a Ghostbuster or work in book publishing as an Art Director. And also be married to Ryan Gosling.

This is a picture of me in my bathroom screen printing. If I could be doing arts and crafts with my best friends all the time, I would. I hope to bring this same spirit of DIY enthusiasm to all of my work.

Six Keywords: Creative, Smart, Sarcastic, Responsible, Awesome, HUMBLE.